Friday 18 May 2012

Just feel like it

As the title says, I just feel like posting something. Anything at all. I guess I'll just ramble on about nothing in particular until I run out of steam. Hmm.. Seems like a lot of focus in the media today on homicides in the Maritimes ... We Maritimers usually pass off shootings as 'hunting accidents' so to hear that someone was murdered in the middle of the day on a well trafficked area of the city really disturbs me. I personally realize that unless you are looking for trouble you will most likely not be a victim of random violence around here. However - A car repair shop was the victim of random violence in a daytime shooting near Gottingen Street. I don't know. It's all related to drug activity. It's retarded to watch people fight over a piece of fucking crack on the carpet.

Seriously. Lets say there's two individuals on their own after smoking two hundred bucks worth of crack and are starting to crash. They're sketched out and most likely hallucinating. Crack can induce *amphetamine psychosis; a state of mind where you hallucinate creepy things and get insanely paranoid. A lot of people think there are people inside of the walls or in empty rooms. It's also common to think bugs are crawling under their skin and they are responsible for digging them out. People have been known to destroy their faces trying to dig the "bugs" out. One gentleman I watched in an addiction video actually dug a hole in his face the size of a golf ball to dislodge a bug under his skin. Even though he claimed that his rational mind knew all along the bug wasn't there, his irrational mind took over and he became obsessed with digging out this fabricated bug.A friend of mine gets convinced of two things: 1) That things are hot or melting and need to be put under cool water or not touched in order to avoid them catching on fire and 2) That there are bugs all over her apartment, especially in her furniture and bed sheets, dirty laundry. I'll never figure out how she figures not touching something will prevent it from catching on fire. She always thinks her glasses are melting and that if I don't let them cool off on their own and not touch them, they will catch on fire. Man it's crazy! She must really believe in spontaneous combustion! Hahaha oh well. What was my point here... ?

Oh yes. Two people fighting over a piece of crack on the floor. Hahah, well there's nothing quite like it! They'll almost fight to the death if it turns out to be a real piece and not just dirt! I think part of them enjoys scraping and pinching for little bits of crack to smoke. It's the obsessive nature of a crack addict that fuels it. I speak only from experience when it comes to this stuff. Personally, I've never smoked enough of it for a long enough period of time to get worried about bugs and other hallucinations. Some how though, I know that it's in there and if I were to push it, I would be right there on the floor with our two aforementioned friends, combing through a dirty shag carpet, looking desperately for crack crumbs and eventually going out to scam money in order to get my next fix.

I understand the reason people are shooting each other for drugs. This of course doesn't mean I condone it or support it. I just understand it. It breaks my heart, too. I know what it's like to feel desperate and alone, sick and pathetic. The victims of drug violence are often young and often addicts. They owe money or engage in an argument with someone who's packin' and bam, shot down in daylight!

There is one thing that I know for certain when it comes to all of this. Crack is not worth raising your weapon. Neither is money. Peace.


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