Tuesday, 13 March 2012

God Damn Creationists!

This is a rant of mine in response to some creationists posting crap on Facebook...

I dunno... Scientific poof speaks me to me than the idea that man & woman magically appeared and went on to have a conversation with an evil snake and then populated the entire world on their own. It's a completely sexist story also, if you ask me.

I don't doubt that Jesus existed, there's plenty of historical proof that he did. I really feel strongly that our scientific discoveries require logic and not faith. It's already a fact that we are still evolving as a human race, It's even obvious to see that if you take into account that even as little as 250 years ago people looked differently, had shorter life spans and less intelligence. I also don't doubt that there is a power greater than myself, I just doubt that we really have a good grasp on what it is. One simply cannot put faith into a book that was compiled over 2000 years ago (by more than one person) to be an accurate account of history. My logical mind knows even to be skeptical of something SCIENTIFIC written that long ago, so why wouldn't I question the bible?

If there really is a great creator, then we have been created to evolve and grow the way that we have. There's no doubt in my mind or in the minds of the majority of people that we come from this earth, no matter what circumstances surround how we got here. We share too much common DNA with too many other animals to deny that. DNA doesn't lie, and we all know it exists, so why not follow the facts about things?

I do also feel however that it is very important to have faith in your life, no matter what you believe in. Being un-spiritual wouldn't be very healthy in my eyes .. Or fun... I mean ... If you take the mystery out of life, then where's the intrigue? If we were never curious we would never have tried to explain or understand how we came to be. I think that it is important to have a logical and spiritual grasp on the unknown. That's exactly what it is. The truth of it all is that we simply do not know if there is or isn't a creator, just as we don't know what happens when you die, or what lies in the future for you.

I agree with JP...  Darwinism FTW!!!!

Monday, 5 March 2012


Faithfully named after my very first website designed by yours truly when I was barely 13, I introduce you to my new blog! Thanks a lot for visiting and reading what I have to say (or think)!

I'm Naomi, I'm 29, live in Nova Scotia, Canada and enjoy nature, beauty, art, movies, books and shamefully, cheesy crime shows on television. I should point out that the latter is a low grade guilty pleasure of mine.

It was a good friend that pointed out that I should be blogging. Apparently I am very opinionated about some things... Lol, I can't imagine what! However this seems like a good place to get my ranting out of the way and possibly spare some souls the wrath of my hatred for injustice, society and other formidable foes. I've decided to try and find a subject each day to blather on about and hope it give me some much needed insight into my own existence. I often feel like I'm caught in the fog of life, waving my hands in front of me blindly, hoping to stagger into a way of living that other people seem to do so naturally.

So with that being said, I give you a very addictive game and bid you adieu!
